Gardening, with a passion, everyday!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I'm finally out of that boot and getting around on my own now...just going a little slower as to not irritate the healing bone. 
Things are not looking good in my garden...period!  I have tried so hard as I hobbled around, to keep every thing watered, but with no rain and the ground so dry it was hard for the water to even soak in.  To give you an idea of how dry it is here, I have not had to mow my lawn for a month, its all brown and crispy.
My pond is yuck!  We have not been able to keep up with the algae bloom and since we don't use chemicals its been a losing battle.
Mr pot man is fading fast and on his last leg,er,pot
And so much for my squash and tomatoes
So if everyone could think rain for us here, it would be greatly appreciated!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Hi everyone, hope your summer has been awesome.  My summer was going along so good until I got a stress fracture in my tibia and ended up wearing this boot up to my knee until now.  My gardening kinda came to a halt since it was hard to do anything...except sit and rest my aching leg and having my husband preach at me about it!

My boot is finally off for small stretches during the day and I am able to check out a few more things going on in the gardens.  It was so hot and humid here this year which is not the usual weather by Lake Michigan and my pond did not fair well with the constant algae bloom going never did seem to balance itself out this year.  We tryed everything natural that we could and nothing worked....Never had this problem.

frog on a lily pad

The pond didn't fair out so well

Peas and beans growing nicely, until the hot spell came

There are still a few flowers left in the garden but most everything else has came and was a very fast growing season.
As September fast approaches and my leg gets better each day, I do look forward to my favorite fall season and being hopefully in tiptop shape next year!